4th Grade Math Exercises
Fourth Grade Math Placement Test
Interactive Exercises, Fun Games, Math Worksheets & Extras for Teaching Fourth Grade.
 Math Practice |
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Addition expressions word problem
Add vertically & find the missing number
Add 3 to 1 digit numbers
Add three digit numbers with carrying
Add 4 digits to 3 digit numbers
Add 4 digit numbers
Add 3 to 2 digit numbers
Add 3 to 1 digit numbers
Balancing addition equations
Addition word problems
Addition of 6 digit numbers without carrying
Addition of 5 digit numbers with carrying
Addition of 4 digit numbers horizontally arranged
Addition of 3 to 1 digit numbers
Addition of 2 to 1 digit numbers
Addition of 4 to 3 digit numbers
Addition of & Estimation word problems
Addition of 6 to 5 digit numbers
Round up & estimate numbers
Estimating with addition problems
Estimate numbers by rounding up
Rounding up numbers to the nearest ten
Rounding up numbers to the nearest hundred
Rounding up numbers to the nearest thousand
Estimate the number of objects shown on pictures
Subtraction of three digit numbers
Subtract 6 from 6 digit numbers
Subtract 5 from 6 digit numbers
Subtract 4 from 5 digit numbers
Subtract 3 from 4 digit numbers
Subtract 2 from 6 digit numbers
Subtract 2 from 4 digit numbers
Subtraction with increasing place value patterns
Subtraction of three digit numbers
Subtraction - Find the missing number
Balancing subtraction Equations
Ways to make a number
Subtraction word problems
Subtraction of two digit numbers
Subtracting numbers from two times the number
Balance subtraction equations
Subtract two numbers up to 10
Find the next two numbers in the sequence
Pre - algebra addition - find 'y'
Pre - algebra division - find 'y'
Pre - algebra addition - find 'y'
Pre - algebra division - find 'y'
Pre - algebra addition - find 'y'
Pre - algebra addition - find 'y'
Data & Tables
Analyze data on a table 1
Analyze data on a table 2
Write the expressions in decimals
Decimals with illustrations
Convert fractions to decimals
Complete the decimal sequence quiz
Arrange decimal numbers in order - ascending or descending
Addition of decimal numbers
Add fractions and convert the answers to decimals
Equations & Variables
Solve for the variable with multiplication & division
Solve for the variable with addition & subtraction
Place Value
Test various place value skills
Place value with underlined values to 10
Place value with blocks
Place value up to tens
Place value in expanded form
Place value illustrated board & arrow exercise
Place value - what is the value of the numbers ?
Multiplication of fractions
Fraction of numbers
Fractions reduced to lowest terms
Equivalent fractions
Convert mixed to improper fractions
Subtraction of fractions
Compare fractions
Addition of fractions Review
Compare fractions >, < or =
Halves, Thirds, Fourths
Fractions illustrated with shapes
Fractions represented by shaded sets
Compare fractions - Greater than, Less or Equal to
Data & Graphs
Reading mean temperatures on a graph
Locate points in (x,y) axis
Reading bar graphs
Read data on graphs
Interpret data on bar graphs
Mean - Mode - Median Reviews
Interpret data on graphs
Tables & data using tally marks
Reading data on graphs
Probability & Statistics
Find the Mean , Mode & Median
Probability - More, Less or Equally likely for something to happen
Using spinning wheels & bullet targets
Multiply 3 by 3 digit numbers
Multiply 3 by 2 digit numbers
Multiply 3 by 1 digit numbers
Multiply 1 & 2 digit numbers
Multiply numbers by numbers ending in zero 1
Patterns in multiplication
Multiply numbers with numbers ending in zero 2
Multiply numbers by one
Multiply and find the missing number
Multiplication word problems
Multiplication quick facts - 1 to 10
Multiply numbers by zero
Multiplication with illustrations
Multiplication quick facts
Read travel time schedules
Convert time units - Seconds, Minutes & Hours
Time elapsed with clocks
Telling the time on clocks
Facts related to time
Reading dates on a calendar
Reading exact hours on analogue clocks
Match the time to the clock reading
Betting Quiz
- Mixed Exercises - Algebra, Division, Fractions, Estimation & Decimals
Hidden Pictures Game
- Addition of five digit numbers
- Addition of numbers with regrouping ( carrying )
- Algebra exercise - Finding 'x' & 'Y'
- Division
- Subtraction
Slot Machine Game
- Addition of 3 Numbers
- Place Values
- Round up Numbers
Snakes & Ladders
- Algebraic expressions
- Decimals - Multiplication
- Percentages of numbers
- Converting Ratios & Fractions
Tic Tac Toe
- Comparison - Greater / less than
- Even and Odd Numbers
- Comparing fractions
- Fractions
- Patterns
- Prime & Composite Numbers
Math Practice
Locate objects in a 3 by 3 grid
Comparing & Ordering
Comparison with inequalities - addition & subtraction
Compare & order numbers up to 100
Compare numbers between 1 to 100
Compare numbers up to 1000
Compare and order numbers up to 1000
Mixed Operations
Addition, Subtraction & Division exercises 1
Addition, Subtraction & Division exercises 2
Ways to make a number through Addition & Subtraction
Ten less than and ten more than given numbers
Find the sign in the bracket + or - that makes the equation correct
Addition & subtraction of tens
Addition & Subtraction quick facts
Geometry & Shapes
Match parts of congruent figures
Calculate the perimeter of figures
Calculate the area of squares & rectangles
Identify shapes with symmetry
Choose between being open or close for the shapes
Comparing shapes
Price list on school items
Money - Unit cost of items
Money - Making a price list
Money - Price list
Money & Division
Identify coins with pictures
Purchases - Enough or less money
Money spent
Match money values with their names USD
Compare amounts of money - USD
Sum up coins - USD
Pennies and Nickels - Identifying coins USD
Penny, Dime and Quarter - Identifying coins USD
Long division of 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
Division with inequalities
Division skill building quiz
Division quick facts
Division patterns with increasing place value
Division combinations up to 10
Long division of two digits
Find the value of 'y' in division equations
Division patterns
Division facts up to 10
Division facts above 10
Divisibility, 1, 2, 3 and above
Metric Systems
Convert millimeters to centimeters 1
Convert millimeters to centimeters 2
Convert - Inches, Feet, Yards
Thermometer Readings
Measurements & Estimates
Number Theory
Spell numbers up to millions
Place value to thousands
Identify Even and Odd numbers
Convert Roman to Arabic numerals
Determine Composite and Prime numbers Review
Roman numerals converted to Arabic numerals up to 100
Ordering numbers up to 83
Ordering numbers using greater than & less than signs
Number spellings against number digits
Even or odd numbers with subtraction
Even or odd numbers with addition
Comparing numbers by adding & subtracting
Spell numbers up to 100
Spell numbers up to 1000
Identify Ordinal & Cardinal numbers
Convert Arabic to Roman numerals
Choose between Even or Odd numbers
Number lines up to 1000
Position of Even and Odd numbers
Ordinal numbers quiz - using position of objects
Number sequence
Learn how to spell numbers
Identify Even and Odd numbers
Convert Arabic to Roman numerals quiz
Logical reasoning with place values
Time logic exercise
Place value logic exercise
Logic with numbers
Logic multi-skill building exercise
Guess numbers based on sums of products

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Math Worksheets